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ListViewGroup – only one item per group

As I was working on a new GUI part of the software I’m working on, I needed to allow the user to choose only a single item in each category. I overloaded the ListView control, and override the OnItemCheckmethod. Here’s the result:

public class SingleItemPerGroupListView : ListView
    public SingleItemPerGroupListView()
    { }

    protected override void OnItemCheck(ItemCheckEventArgs ice)
        // Always behave regulary when user uncheck an item
        if (ice.NewValue == CheckState.Unchecked)

        // Get the checked item
        ListViewItem lvi = this.Items[ice.Index];
        // If no item has no group, handle regulary
        if (lvi.Group == null)

        // If another item is checked, uncheck item
        foreach (ListViewItem otherLvi in lvi.Group.Items)
            if (otherLvi == lvi)

            if (otherLvi.Checked)
                otherLvi.Checked = false;