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jQuery and MVC together – URLs resolving

Lately I’ve found myself working on a website, that is based on MVC3, and is using some jQuery. I found a beautiful template in – no shame in admitting I’m no designer.

The first few steps of setting up a new MVC project, using the downloaded theme in the Layout.chtml file, and adding all the files went pretty smoothly. However, after playing a bit with the new site, I’ve started getting errors in some of the JavaScript files. It turned out that the theme I was using was using jQuery’s include method in several places. When loading the default Index action, things went fine.

However, when navigating to other actions, due to the URL including the Controller’s and Action’s name, the include method couldn’t find the files due to their relative path. Obviously, you can’t use MVC’s Url helper class from within the JS files to resolve a ~/ URL.

The workaround I’ve found is to create a JS prototype in my Layout.chtml file, and use its method to resolve the URLs in JS. Here is the code:

Url = function () { };
Url.prototype = {
    // Resolve ~/ using the MVC view engine
    _relativeRoot: '@Url.Content(~/)',
    // Create an extension method called resolve
    resolve: function(relative){
        var resolved = relative;
        if (relative.charAt(0) == '~'  relative.charAt(1) == '/')
            resolved = this._relativeRoot + relative.substring(2);
        return resolved;

$Url = new Url();

In all your JS, you can now use the resolve method like this:
