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Jigsaw Puzzles Game Template Unity Asset

Jigsaw Puzzles Game Template Featured


Jigsaw Puzzles Game is a full Unity template that gives you a quick and easy way to create Jigsaw puzzle games, along with a menu to select pictures collections and levels, along with UnityAds integration.


  • All source code included (C#)
  • Mobile friendly
  • Basic UI setup
  • Supports multiple puzzles collections
  • Support Hints and Reshuffles (NEW in v0.7)
  • UnityAds integration (NEW in v0.8)
  • Support for different boards (NEW in v0.9)


Purchase the Jigsaw Puzzles Game Template Unity Asset here >>

How to use


The template includes 2 scenes:

  • Main menu scene, which displays a menu of puzzles collections. When the user selects a collection, the list of puzzles is displayed.
    A puzzle can be freely available, or unlocked by watching an ad.
  • The game scene is the puzzle itself. It consists of multiple puzzle parts that the player can drag around.

Adding a new collection

Each collection is represented by a ScriptableObject. Start by creating a new object: From the Assets menu, select Create -> JigsawPuzzlesCollection -> Collection. Once the new objects is created, you need to configure it:

  • Assign the collection a name
  • Set an image that will be used to display the collection in the main menu
  • Select whether the collection is free, or needs to be unlocked
  • Add puzzles to the collection

Once the collection is ready, go to the MenuManager object, and add the collection to the Collections property.

Adding a new puzzle

Each puzzle is represented by a ScriptableObject. Start by creating a new object: From the Assets menu, select Create -> JigsawPuzzlesCollection -> Level. Once the new objects is created, you need to configure it:

  • Assign the puzzle a name
  • Set an image for the puzzle
  • Add the puzzle to a collection

Configuring UnityAds

Jigsaw Puzzles Collection comes with built-in UnityAds integration. In order to configure the integration, select the AdsManager object, and configure the various settings:

  • Apple Store Game Id is used for display ads from Apple
  • Google Store Game Id is used for display ads from Google
  • Banner Placement Id and Rewarded Placement Ids are the 2 ads used by the game.



Sample images taken from Pexels, and owned by Philipp Birmes, Peng LIU, Elly Fairytale, Vincent M.A. Janssen, Louis, Elena Blessing, Jeremy Bishop, Hiếu Hoàng, Erik Karits, Andy Vu, Asad Photo Maldives, Ian Beckley, Tobias Bjørkli, mali maeder, Avery Nielsen-Webb.

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