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Best Unity Assets for FPS - Featured

8 Best Unity Assets for creating amazing FPS games

Creating a new game from scratch is HARD! Creating good games is even harder. The list of assets below will help you jump start your next FPS project.

Creating a new game from scratch is HARD!

Creating a good game is even harder. The list of assets below will help you jump start your next FPS project. Some, like the Dynamic Bone asset, are focusing on specific aspects of the game. Others are more generate, like the popular Playmaker. Some are complete templates allowing to prototype amazingly fast.

A* Pathfinding Project

A* Pathfinding Project provides advanced pathfinding capabilities for Artificial Intelligence agents in your FPS game, helping them navigate complex environments efficiently.


  • Advanced pathfinding capabilities for AI agents, enabling efficient navigation in complex environments.
  • Supports large open-world maps with thousands of AI units.
  • Comes with built-in tools for creating and editing navigation meshes.


  • Requires some coding knowledge to fully utilize its capabilities.
  • May have a steep learning curve for beginners.
  • It can be resource-intensive and affect game performance if not optimized properly.

This asset has received positive reviews for its advanced pathfinding capabilities, allowing AI agents in FPS games to navigate complex environments efficiently. Users appreciate its ease of use and robust features.

Ultimate Character Controller

This asset offers a robust set of character controller features, including first-person movement, player input, and interactions, making it ideal for FPS games.


  • Provides a comprehensive set of features for character movement, input, and interactions.
  • Offers many customization options and flexibility to match different game genres and styles.
  • Supports both first-person and third-person perspectives, allowing developers to switch between them seamlessly.


  • May require additional scripting for specific functionality not included in the asset.
  • The complexity of the asset’s features may be overwhelming for beginners.

Users highly recommend this asset for creating first-person movement, player input, and interactions in FPS games. Its extensive set of features and customizable options make it a must-have for developers working on FPS projects.

UFPS: Ultimate FPS

This asset is a complete first-person shooter solution, providing ready-to-use FPS mechanics, weapon systems, multiplayer support, and much more.


  • Complete solution for FPS games, featuring ready-to-use mechanics and systems.
  • Extensive multiplayer support, including dedicated networking components.
  • Strong community support and regular updates from the asset developer.


  • The high number of features may be overwhelming for beginners or smaller projects.
  • The asset’s complexity may require additional learning time to fully use all its features.
  • Large asset size, which may lead to longer import times and potentially larger project sizes.

Considered a complete solution for FPS games, this asset offers ready-to-use mechanics, multiplayer support, and weapon systems. It has received positive reviews for its ease of use and comprehensive features.

Dynamic Bone

This asset adds realistic bone-based physics to your FPS game’s character models, allowing for more lifelike movement and interaction with the environment.


  • Adds realistic bone-based physics to character models, enhancing visual fidelity and believability.
  • Provides easy-to-use tools for controlling and tuning bone physics behavior.
  • Supports various dynamic effects, such as clothing movement and hair physics.


  • Can be resource-intensive, especially with many dynamically simulated characters.
  • Requires careful optimization and tuning to prevent performance issues.
  • Limited support for non-humanoid character models.

This asset has been praised for its realistic bone-based physics, adding lifelike movement and interaction to character models in FPS games. Users appreciate its smooth integration and enhanced visual effects.


Suitable for both beginners and experts, this visual scripting tool helps streamline the development process for FPS games by simplifying complex gameplay logic.


  • Simplifies complex gameplay logic with its visual scripting system.
  • Beginner-friendly, allowing developers to create gameplay behaviors without extensive coding knowledge.
  • Wide range of integrations with other Unity assets and tools.


  • When used extensively, visual scripting can become cumbersome and difficult to maintain.
  • May not be suitable for developers who prefer traditional coding methods.
  • Asset updates and support may not be as frequent compared to more active development tools.

Regarded as a valuable tool for both beginners and experts, Playmaker simplifies complex gameplay logic through visual scripting. Users appreciate its user-friendly interface and time-saving capabilities.

Advanced Sniper Starter Kit

If your FPS game features snipers, this asset provides a comprehensive framework for creating realistic sniper mechanics, including bullet ballistics and scope systems.


  • Provides a ready-to-use framework for realistic sniper mechanics, including bullet ballistics and scope systems.
  • Supports customization and tweaking of sniper-specific features.
  • Offers a comprehensive tutorial and documentation package.


  • Limited scope beyond sniper mechanics, may not be suitable for all FPS game types.
  • The asset’s features may overlap with other assets or existing code bases, requiring careful integration.
  • May require additional scripting to optimize and fine-tune sniping mechanics to suit specific game requirements.

Users recommend this asset for creating realistic sniper mechanics in FPS games. It provides bullet ballistics and scope systems, making it an ideal choice for developers focusing on sniper gameplay.

Horror FPS KIT

Designed specifically for horror FPS games, this asset offers a combination of horror-themed environments, AI enemies, and gameplay mechanics, making it perfect for creating atmospheric and suspenseful experiences.


  • Specifically designed for horror FPS games, featuring horror-themed environments and gameplay mechanics.
  • Provides AI enemies and atmospheric elements to create suspenseful experiences.
  • It comes with various horror-themed sound effects and visual effects.


  • Limited flexibility outside of horror genre games.
  • The asset’s horror-themed assets may not be suitable for all types of FPS games.
  • May require additional customization to fit specific art styles or game designs.

Designed specifically for horror FPS games, this asset has received positive reviews for its atmospheric environments, AI enemies, and gameplay mechanics. Users praise its ability to create suspenseful and immersive experiences.

Weapon System

FPS Arsenal: This asset offers a vast array of weapons, customizable weapon systems, bullet drop effects, and more, providing a comprehensive set of tools for FPS game developers.


  • Offers a vast array of weapons and customizable weapon systems.
  • Provides realistic bullet drop effects and projectile physics.
  • Supports customization to fit different game styles and aesthetics.


  • Large asset size, which may lead to longer import times and potentially larger project sizes.
  • May require additional scripting or tweaking to integrate with existing gameplay systems.
  • Asset updates and support may not be as frequent compared to more active development tools.

Users have commended this asset for its vast array of weapons, customizable systems, and bullet drop effects. It offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers aiming to create a diverse and engaging arsenal in their FPS games.


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