Sagui Itay - Unity Assets, software development and mobile games

Getting NuGet package details

In my previous post I’ve shown how to get the list of NuGet packages used by a GitHub repository. Let’s see how we can retrieve some additional information for each package. The NuGet Gallery provides an OData feed, which can be used to easily query and search its database. It’s base URL is I’ll not go over the details and capabilities of an OData feed – you can read about it here. All I require are the details of a specific version of a specific package.

So, let’s see the code:

private void UpdatePackageDetails(Package package)
    var url = string.Format("'{0}',Version='{1}')", package.Name, package.Version);
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(url);

	var tags = xdoc.Descendants("{}Tags").FirstOrDefault();
	if (tags != null)
            package.Tags = tags.Value.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

	var summary = xdoc.Root.Element("{}summary");
        if (summary != null)
            package.Summary = summary.Value;

        var updated = xdoc.Root.Element("{}updated");
        if (updated != null)
            package.Updated = DateTime.Parse(updated.Value);
    catch (WebException)
    { }

This code assumes that you have the Package class introduced in the previous post, with the Name and Version properties already populated. It’s a very simple piece of code – it creates the URL for the Feed entry of the package/version we need, loads it into an XDocument, and update the package instance with the metadata we require – Tags, Summary, and Updated date.